Welcome to Yvette Mann Podiatry

To book an appointment, please call 01483 310298.

Our phone lines are open 8am – 7pm Monday to Friday and 9.30am -5pm on Saturdays


Additional Clinic – From September I will be working on a Monday (as well as Wednesdays) at The Bourne Clinic in Farnham.

Needling – From August I will be offering Needling which is a different method for treating stubborn Varrucae. Please contact the clinic if this is of interest to you.

3D Orthotics – We are now doing 3D orthotics that are light, slim and more sustainable than other thermoplastic options. Please call the practice for more information.

Yvette Mann Podiatry

Yvette Mann Podiatry has been running for over 25 years. Yvette and her associates offer a wealth of experience in all areas of Podiatry including routine foot care, biomechanics, verruca treatment and nail surgery for all age groups from young children to the elderly.

The practice runs out of two well established clinics: The Bourne Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Clinic in The Bourne, Farnham and Luck’s Yard Clinic in Milford, Surrey.

Panel 1

Biomechanics & Orthotic Therapy

Aches and Pains?

Toe Deformities?

Sports Injuries?

Many aches and pains in joints, muscles, tendons or lower back can be attributed to your ‘biomechanics’.

Also some foot deformities such as bunions and misshapen toes can be caused in the same manner.

Biomechanics – What is it?

Rarely do we find that our left and right sides are symmetrical. This is equally so for our feet and legs.
Additionally, many of us have mild deformities – perhaps a slightly misaligned pelvis or a bowed leg.

The Result?

When we stand, walk or run our body has to cope with and compensate for these abnormalities. It is these compensations that put structures such as muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons under undue strain as they begin functioning in an abnormal or compromised manner.

Over time the structures become inflamed or injured. A Biomechanic Assessment is an investigation into your lower limb function – looking closely for these abnormalities and compensations.

Once we have identified the causes of your problems we can develop a tailor made treatment plan to improve your symptoms.

This may involve one or more of the following:

  • Exercises to stretch or strengthen muscles
  • Orthoses – specially made devices you wear inside your shoe to control the abnormalities
  • Footwear advice
  • Appropriate referral to a chiropractor, physiotherapist, sports massage therapist to compliment the above podiatry treatment.

What is involved?

A Biomechanics Assessment takes about 1 hour and is undertaken by a qualified HCPC Registered Podiatrist. It is normal for a mini Biomechanic Assessment to be undertaken in the first instance to assess the needs of each patient.

You will need to bring shorts to change into so that we can see your knees to help our examination.

We take various measurements with you laying down and standing up. To make an appointment or for details of cost please contact us. We are registered by most insurance companies (not Bupa).

Exciting news – we are now doing 3D orthotics that are light, slim and more sustainable than other thermoplastic options.

3D orthotics

Panel 2

Nail Surgery

Painful Toenails?

What conditions benefit from Nail Surgery?

  • Ingrown toenails
  • Infected toenails
  • Deformed toenails
  • Thick toenails
  • Painful toenails

Is it painful?

Nail surgery is carried out painlessly under local anaesthetic. This is achieved by using an anaesthetic injection similar to that used by dentists.

What does it involve?

A small piece of nail is removed from the side that is problematic and a chemical is applied to prevent that piece of nail growing back again. Sometimes the degree of nail problem means that we remove the whole nail.

Can I work?

You can usually go back to work the day afterwards. You simply need to remember to keep your toe protected.

How long does it take to heal?

The nail usually heals up over a period of 4-8 weeks if you follow all the advice given to you. Over this period we see you for redressings to ensure everything is healing well.

Advice before your appointment:

  • Remember to have something small to eat before your appointment.
  • The procedure will last approximately 1 hour.
  • Please bring some loose shoes or sandals with you for your own comfort.
  • Please arrange some form of transport home. You should not plan on driving yourself, taking public transport or walking.
  • Plan the day so you go home and rest with your feet up.
  • You will have your first redressing appointment a few days after the surgery. It is essential that you attend all redressings.
Panel 3

Routine Footcare

We offer all areas of foot care including the treatment of the following:

  • Calluses
  • Corns
  • Verrucas
  • Bunions
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Heal pain

Often some of the above are misdiagnosed and we are able to give you the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Please contact us to make an appointment for an initial assessment which often includes treatment and future advice.

Panel 4


New Patient £68
Subsequent 30 mins (Routing Treatment)£64
Mini BME (30 mins)£78

Prices for Orthotics and nail surgery to be discussed with your Podiatrist.

Our preferred payment option is by using our online software called Stripe during your appointment.

We are registered with most insurance companies (not Bupa).