What is Podiatry?
Podiatrists are healthcare professionals who are qualified to assess, diagnose and treat people with foot, ankle and lower limb problems. This can include foot care for the elderly or disabled people unable to reach their own feet but also covers nail surgery, treatment of verrucae, biomechanical assessments and physical therapy.
What is the difference between Podiatry and Chiropody?
Chiropodists now tend to call themselves Podiatrists as it reflects the full scope of practice now covered in their training.
How often do I need to come to see a Podiatrist?
If there are no pending problems then 3-6 monthly foot checks are adequate but regular 6 to 8 week appointments can be beneficial to some patients.
What are Orthotics and do they work?
They are specially made casted devices to wear inside your shoe to control, realign or cushion any abnormalities. They are very effective so long as the prescription is accurate and the patient wears them in correctly and continues to wear them on a regular basis.
Is there an age limit (young/old) for when I should see a Podiatrist?
Not at all. Children as young as two years of age come for biomechanical assessment and as old as 100 for routine foot care. Prevention is always better than cure.
Why not arrange an appointment with the Podiatrist so that all the treatment options can be discussed and your suitability for them assessed.
A treatment plan including appointments and costs can be formulated and discussed with you at this appointment.