There are SO many different feet but only a small number of brands , hence boot fitting can be a challenge. Let us help.
1. If you are buying a new pair – Choose a reputable ski shop and allow plenty of time. Don’t rush! Allow 1-2 hours.
2. The right size ,shape and volume matter more than colour, style or latest brand. Focus on how it feels.
3. Biomechanics and Weight are just as important as ability.Some people need stiffer boots than their ability and some need softer.The boot should support and work with you.
4. A good fitting boot should be comfortably snug and not sloppy.You should be able to wiggle your toes but not have heel slippage or movement from side to side or forward and back.
5. New boots have padded liners that will support your feet and insulate. Thick socks will only make the boot tighter.Seek advice re ski socks.
6. New Ski boots are normally designed to be modified to accommodate for lumps and bumps.
7. Qualified staff should have the knowledge and tools to stretch and grind plastic shells and transform inners of boots and alter angles and flex.
8. Whether buying or renting your boots, do give yourself an honest 10-15 min stretch at the end of your fitting just to make sure they are comfortable!
9. If you are an orthotic wearer and feel you need more support in your ski boots do discuss with the ‘Yvette Mann Podiatry’ team.
10. Happy skiing!